Mario Hernandez

Brand Realignment


Mario Hernandez is a distinguished luxury brand renowned in South and Central America for its exquisite leather goods and accessories. Our mission was to adapt the brand from its original message and adapt it to the American Market without losing its core. In the process we also streamlined the consistency and usability of their sales and communication channels

What we have done

The Objective

Adapt Brand Operations for successful expansion into the US market by enhancing the brand’s digital and online presence & refining brand communication.

About the website

With the new design, we switched to a more user-friendly, interactive e-commerce flow, incorporating the latest trends in responsiveness to optimize for new mobile displays and screens. Additionally, we ensured that all features are fully compliant with ADA regulations, providing an accessible and seamless shopping experience for all users.

UX and UI

About the Verbal Branding

we adapted the brand’s rich, literary, and metaphorical cultural communication style to align with the more direct and straightforward approach preferred in the US market. We also provided the brand with all the verbal branding elements aligning a solid style to an specific niche

Verbal Branding
Message adaptation

About the UX

We upgraded the web UX by enhancing all user interactions with the latest design trends and graphic interactions. This includes improved graphic displays, high-quality videos, optimized image dimensions, a refined shopping cart experience, and a streamlined customer journey, all aimed at creating an engaging and seamless shopping experience

UX Design for ecommerce
UX Design

How we did it

Our team followed methodical steps to continue working and adapting the brand without interrupting operations. We started starting with a comprehensive UX/UI audit and an ADA diagnosis to the website. We then, implemented recommendations to update user experience and graphic display in the web. We are currently working on adapting a consistent communication strategy.

Let's turn your brand into a legend

Effective branding sells. When consumers get the message, they get the product. Explore how we make brands legendary

Mario hernandez
Visual Identity